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Web Content Accessibility
This website has been developed in compliance with California Government Code 11135, located in Section D of the California Government Code. Code 11135 requires that all electronic and information technology developed or purchased by the State of California Government is accessible to people with disabilities. The State of California accepts no responsibility for the content or accessibility of the external websites or external documents linked to on this website. OPA and the State of California are strongly committed to improved accessibility for all Californians.
As directed by Executive Order D-17-00 issued on September 8, 2000, a comprehensive eGovernment initiative was launched that requires every agency and department to adhere to technical standards for accessible Web design and compatibility. The Accessibility Guide enables the State to utilize the best tools and design available to ensure that the content of the new OPA web site can be reached by the widest possible audience regardless of disability, limitations of computer equipment or use of alternate Internet access devices.
In addition, State accessibility guidelines enable agencies to meet State and Federal statutory requirements prohibiting discrimination against people with disabilities in the design of both Internet and Intranet web sites. For example, California Government Code Section 11135 et seq. prohibits discrimination by entities receiving funding from the State of California.
Likewise, Federal requirements mandating access for persons with disabilities were first imposed on State recipients of Federal funding by the Rehabilitation Act of 1973. Today there are numerous Federal statutes and regulations extending civil rights protections to persons with disabilities, including the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 (ADA), as well as the 1998 Amendments to the Rehabilitation Act, where specific technical requirements for accessible web design have been published by the U.S. Access Board. This is important since Title II of the ADA recognizes the importance of communication and the necessity of the State of California to take appropriate steps to ensure that communications with persons with disabilities are as effective as communications with others.
About l out of 5 Americans have some form of disability and 1 in 10 have a severe disability. These 1997 statistics by the U.S. Census Bureau also report that with an aging population, with the likelihood that disabilities can increase with age, the growth in the number of people with disabilities is expected to accelerate in the coming decades. Given this fact, the Accessibility Guide was developed to encourage effective communication to the widest audience possible. This Accessibility Guide provides assistance in how to use alternate forms of communication. Disabilities can fall into four basic categories:
- Blind/Low Vision. Assistive computer technology for this audience includes screen readers, refreshable Braille displays and screen magnifiers. To assist with accessibility for Blind/Low Vision population, features such as keyboard navigation, scalability of font size, fuzzy searches, alt tags and high contrast between the background and the text are helpful.
- Deaf/Hard of Hearing. To assist with accessibility for people with hearing loss, captioning synchronized with multimedia as well as volume control enable accessibility.
- Mobility. Assistive computer technology for this audience includes one-handed keyboards, head/mouth sticks and eye tracking. Keyboard navigation as well as voice recognition software may be used by this population to help navigate through a web site.
- Cognitive and Specific Learning Disabilities. To appeal to a highly diverse audience, with varying levels of ability, use the following design principles: Simple navigation, consistency in content presentation, clear labels, meaningful content, executive summaries at top of long documents and vocabulary understood by a wide audience.
OPA has used the Accessibility Guide in the development of this website to assist impaired people access our resources with relative ease. The Accessibility Guide will continue to be updated as technology evolves. OPA will monitor these changes and make future enhancements to better the website’s accessibility when new tools and resources are developed.
To report a problem or request information in an alternate format
If you have any concerns, would like to report a problem, or need information in an alternate form, please contact our OPA webmaster at webmasterOPA@opacagov.azurewebsites.us
Send mail to the OPA Web Manager, 925 L Street, Suite 1275, Sacramento, CA 95814
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The OPA web manager will respond promptly by either correcting the problem or providing the requested information in an alternate format.